Hello, and welcome to my portfolio page for instructional design. My name is Kay Bishop, and I’m a graphic designer, graphic arts instructor, and a children’s art teacher. I currently teach through the Graphic Arts & Imaging Technology (GAIT) program at Appalachian State University (ASU). I am also enrolled in the graduate Master of Arts in Educational Media, New Media Literacies and Global Perspectives program at ASU.  I am interested in inspiring those of all ages to create art and design. For the purposes of this portfolio, I’d like to present an online instructional course on Web Development for Graphic Communications. This course provides students with the opportunity to develop basic websites and manipulate images for web delivery.

My teaching philosophy includes a combination of Constructivist thought blended with some Connectivism. However, I believe that some Behaviorist and Cognitivist-based practices are also necessary. Constructivism and Connectivism both emphasize active learning. I see my role as instructor and facilitator, presenting external information for students to process, internalize, and then make new discoveries from in order to personalize their experience. I’d also like for students to collaborate within partnerships and groups for peer sharing, learning, and review. Connectivism encourages networking within an online environment.

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